The most valuable social platforms for coaches

Most valuable social platforms for coaches

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in this weeks survey.  As someone just dipping her toes back into proper social engagement again, it was extremely interesting to me and the results came in almost exactly as I expected.  For those that didn’t see the survey – the question asked last week was a two parter: What social networks do you use for your business & What social network do you find MOST BENEFICIAL professionally?

LinkedIn by far out ranked all other platforms in terms of being the most beneficial platform for coaching businesses with Instagram coming in second.  Interesting that Facebook the most used platform (alongside Instagram) but none of the respondents rated it as being beneficial for their business.  The other platform that was mentioned was Telegram – that was really interesting to me – I’d love to know how coaches are using Telegram to benefit their business!

I loved this comment “I don’t necessarily see direct results but sometimes just by putting the energy out there, it comes back in other ways.” – it can be so tempting to get caught up in the metrics and engagement but just like in the real world – not everyone engages immediately but the more they see you, the more they are inclined to remember you when they need your service.


Week 2 Question:  Do you have a regular mindfulness practice?

I have to admit, this is so difficult for me.  I struggle with consistency in general but staying mindful with an ADHD brain and two kiddos under 4 is no easy task.  Still – I struggle on and am very interested to get the pulse of the coaching community in terms of mindful practices 😁 🧘‍♂️.



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