
We have never had access to so much information, so much opportunity and so much education before yet – we have never struggled as much.  Every single one of us has a deep and innate sense of who we are and what we should be doing in this world, however, that inner knowing is burried under layers of ‘shoulds’, expectations and disappointments.  

My job as a coach is to help you remove the layers of doubt, fear and distress by providing an active and intuitive listening ear.  You have all of the answers within you but it can be hard to hear them with all of the noise.  

I specialise in helping extraordinary minds access their innate capabilities.  Fundamentally, I believe that every single mind has a spark of genius within and it is the environments that we find ourselves locked into that holds us back.  It can take time to be able to see the patterns and environmental factors that we are steeped in so we can make the changes we need to thrive.  

Orla Fitz Outsourced Business Partner

My Journey

My journey into coaching has been anything but straight, infact my journey through life has been a wild and chaotic ride.  I’ve never felt comfortable in any box – even the boxes that I have created for myself.  Within a very short amount of time, they become claustrophobic and I need to change.  As a result, I never found it easy to work in defined careers or jobs.  I tripped into web design because I had ideas I needed to bring to life and thankfully – web design brought me a continuous stream of fresh boxes to work in that has supported me for over 20 years.  

It may not come as a surprise that I was diagnosed with ADHD in my late 30’s after years of inconsistency, stress and self doubt.  The tipping point, as it is for many women, was the hormonal upheaval of becoming a mom.  This brought me Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for adults with ADHD, which is a course I now love and run with Psychotherapist Jane Hehir. 

Throughout my web design career, I found myself in the position of coach or counsellor to my clients.  Starting and running a business is hard work – yes it can be wonderful but the lonliness and isolation can be overwhelming.  In recent years I started to see how important the coaching side of my work had become and decided to train formally so I could provide a safer and better service for my clients.  I completed both the Aspire Basic Coach Training in the spring of 2024.  

My Coaching Perspective

I see my role in coaching as discovering and highlighting the magic in my clients.  Every single person I have ever met has a unique, exciting and fascinating spark of genius inside of them.  It frustrates me that ‘genius’ has come to mean some form of intellectual or economic prowess when in my mind – it is the inevitible output of a mind focused on what it was created to do.

So much of our world is dedicated to forcing us into boxes, tight little boxes that are easily quantifiable and identifiable.  I’ve never fit into any of those boxes and I’ve sufferred financially as a result. I don’t have a trust fund, a wealthy partner or a safety net to fall back on.  I am the sole income earner for my family of four and still I take the risk, I walk the path of uncertainty because everything inside me screams for freedom of expression.

As a result of this perspective, I am always searching, always deeply curious and alwasy excited when I can see that glimmer… when I can see that spark in anyone.  I love to gently breathe life into that spark, helping you see the possibilities available to help you explore it.  Bringing just a little spark of excitement can illuminate so many other part of your life – what you once thought was dark, is suddenly revealed as beautiful in this new glow.

Are you ready to uncover your spark of genius?  ✨

Coaching Qualifications

It is important to trust the coach you work with and one of the foundational keys to trust is knowing that they have been trained to take the best possible care of you as you move through this process. For the full list of my education and qualifications – check out About Me.

Orla Fitzmaurice Aspire Coaching Level 1

Level 1 Foundation in Professional Coaching Skills

Aspire Coach Training – March 2024

I recently completed 100 hours of ICF accredited professional coach training under the expert guidence of the wonderful Ailbhe Harrington and Stephen Clements. It was a truly transformational experience, changing how I saw both coaching and myself.  The program was intense and deeply rewarding including blend of peer coaching, coach mentoring and final performance evaluations.  This course has given me a foundational understanding of the importance, ethics and purpose of coaching as a professional service.  

Spring 2024

Positive Intelligence


I took part in the Spring 2024 cohort of the Positive Intelligence introductory coach training program.  It was a fascinating insight into our sabateurs and judge through a positive lens.  Each of our sabateurs are simply strengths that we have over played and become problematic.  Helping my clients understand their sabateurs has become a very helpful tool in my coaching practice.


Spring 2023

Simply ADHD & Personal Transformation


In spring of 2023 I completed the Simply ADHD and Personal Transformation modules at the ADD Coach Accademy.  I decided to do my basic coach training locally here in Ireland but I do intend to continue to Advanced ADHD Coaching Training with ADDCA in the future.  

Book Discovery Call

If you are interested in having a chat to see if what I do is the right fit for you – book a free 30-minute discovery session. 

This is a ‘hard sales’ free zone as the purpose of this session is for both of us to see if we are a good fit to work together.  I hate feeling like I am being pushed into something, so I never do that with clients.  Life is too short to work with people you don’t connect with 🙂.  If we are not a good fit, I will give you independent, unbiased recommendations for your next steps.  If we are a good fit, let’s get ready to make magic together 🪄✨