Decode The Coach

Would you like to know what makes other coaches tick?  What they are thinking, how they are living and what is working for them?  Yeah, so would I!

Decode the coach is a simple weekly one question anonymous survey sent around to a list of coaches and a weekly insights post that digs into the responses.  I am looking forward to exploring the common themes, rituals, best practices, stereotypes, biases etc… opening up discussion and expanding the frontiers of what we believe we ‘should be’ as coaches, business owners and as members of society.

Some of these questions will be light, some will be heavy – all responses will be anonymous so we can be completely honest and enjoy our expanded understanding of both ourselves and each other.

Responding to each survey question is optional but it does give you a sense of ownership of the data. You can also submit questions you would like to know the answer to!  All data will be freely available to everyone on the list and more we grow, the deeper the insight so please do share this with any coaches you know ❤️ 

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Survey Results & News

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