How many hours do coaches work per week?

Decode-Hours Worked (900 x 600 px)

This is the first week of this new little project “Decode The Coach”, a simple one or two question weekly survey to get a snapshot of where coaches are in their business and life.  We spend so much time helping other people deconstruct their problems – wouldn’t it be nice to benchmark our own experiences against other coaches and consultants.  I am going to trial out this little ‘lab’ idea for a month to see if there is much engagement and if it is of interest to coaches.  Something I am grappling with is perhaps it would be more useful if it was a general ‘self employment’ survey – I would love your thoughts on this!

The question asked last week was:  How many hours per week do you work typically?

Here is the result of the survey:

Decode-Hours Worked




Thank you so much to everyone who added comments, it really added more interest and detail to the survey.  The optional question was Are you happy with the amount of hours you work?

Generally, the answer was yes though several noted that it would be great if compensation for those hours was more substantial.  Most of the respondents are balancing their self employment with parenting and/or part time jobs or additional contracts – adding to my conviction that we are all superwomen in disguise 😁.


Week 2 Question:



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Please share this survey with any coaches you know – the more answers – the more helpful it will be for all 🙂

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