
Getting started or growing a business on your own is exciting but it can also be lonely, confusing and isolating.

You know where you want to go but you have no idea of how to get there. The internet is full of conflicting advice, you have no one to bounce ideas off and it feels like you are invisible. Wouldn’t it be great to have a map and a travel companion on the journey?  The good news is, I have that map. I have spent over 20 years helping my clients create and refine their businesses.

I love to partner with my clients to help illuminate their unique path to sustainable and aligned business models that not only do good but feel good.

Sometimes all you need is a listening ear and someone to help you work through a specific problem.  Not only do I bring 20 years experience of designing, building and starting businesess – I am also a qualified coach so I am uniquely placed to help you work through your business issues. 

Orla Fitz Outsourced Business Partner

What exactly is a Consultation?

Consultation options are incredibly varied – basically anything that you are struggling with and could do with an expert, independent and supportive expert to help you resolve.  Consulting differs from coaching as it is based on a very specific deliverable or outcome that I actively help you create.  It is far more hands on and active.  Coaching is a reflective listening service – it gives you the space to find the right answers through supportive, intuitive inquiry.  If you would like to discover more about coaching – see my business coaching service.

Here are some examples of consultancy services I work on with my clients.

Consultations start at 90 minute stand alone one off sessions and can vary to accommodate the needs of any project, including being blended with design services.

Examples Of Consultations

 Here are some examples of consultancy services I work on with my clients.  Consultations start at 90 minute stand alone one off sessions and can vary to accommodate the needs of any project, including being blended with design services.

Business Modeling Consultation

Business Modeling

& Service Design

Your map and guide for success

It is hard to get to where you want to go if you have never been there before and don’t have a map.  I help you create that map by helping you think through and plan for all of the elements of your business.  We chart these on a simple single-page,visual business model ( I shudder at the thoughts of long, boring and dusty business plans… ).  This business model becomes the north star for your business, it is a living document that you can update as your business grows.

As well as helping you plan, I can help you design and create your service – from consulting packages, product sales, online courses, and memberships to live events.  I have over 20 years experience of designing and delivering products online so your ideas are in safe and supportive hands.  

Business Modeling Consultation

Outsourced Business Partner

A problem shared…

Over my 20 years as a web designer, I often ended up in the position of unofficial ‘business partner’ to many of my clients.  I love connecting with and helping incredible creators make sense of their idea or business problem.  “A problem shared is a problem halved” as the saying goes.  I work with both starting and established businesses to support and help them through their unique business opportunity or issue.  

Business Modeling Consultation

Create A Project Brief

Helping You Plan

There are some projects that really do need an agency or bigger design team than I can provide.  However, it can be extremely daunting and confusing trying to decide which agency to go with.  I can help you talk through your project in a safe, non-sales space as a design consultant.  When you don’t feel under pressure of being sold to – we can work together to put realistic plans in place that you can then use to find the right design partner for your project.  Once you have a few proposals to review, we can sit down again together to assess the candidates so you feel comfortable in the design partner you choose.  

Business Modeling Consultation

Course Consultation

Productise Your Knowledge

The reality of life is that we can’t always be ON – ready to serve our clients.  We have kids, family, commitments, not to mention our own personal health and wellbeing.  However, one of the biggest downsides of a service based business is that when we stop – so does our income.  That is where courses and digital products come in.  I can help you find, refine and design your a digital course that is perfect for your stage in business.  There is no one size fits all – instead we sit down together and figure out what is right for you depending on your budget, tech confidence, industry type and aspirations.  


€150 + VAT | per 90 minute session

As with all of my services, I like to keep the pricing and terms as transparent as possible.  Book in for a free discovery call to see if we are a good fit to work together or if we have already spoken or worked together – book in for a 90 minute consultancy session. 

Book Discovery Call

If you are interested in having a chat to see if what I do is the right fit for you – book a free 30-minute discovery session. 

This is a ‘hard sales’ free zone as the purpose of this session is for both of us to see if we are a good fit to work together.  I hate feeling like I am being pushed into something, so I never do that with clients.  Life is too short to work with people you don’t connect with 🙂.  If we are not a good fit, I will give you independent, unbiased recommendations for your next steps.  If we are a good fit, let’s get ready to make magic together 🪄✨