
All Writing & Resources

Like many creatives, I follow my curiosity across multiple platforms. Join The Monthly Spark newsletter to stay connected with all my explorations and resources. 💫

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Is your beautiful website a creative cage?

I've often used the word 'beautiful' in my copy when describing the websites that I've created but it always sits a little uneasily with me. We have such ingrained reverence for beauty that to tamper with it feels almost sinful. The Beauty Paradox Beauty has always...

Is your beautiful website a creative cage
Latest News

It’s Alive… my new website and brand

It's Alive!!!!!! I feel like Viktor Frankenstein... instantly proud, excited and a little horrified after finally unveiling his creation. It turns out... I am my own worst client. Shock horror eh!  😱😂 Don't get me wrong - I am utterly delighted with the website -...

My new website is alive!!!

Fingerprint Work

What if encouraging people to follow their intuition around work was the key to higher levels of productivity, fulfilment, creativity and connection. Of course it is. Sustainability is the key to creating a liveable future regardless of whether you are a plant or a person.

Fingerprint Work

Lost At Sea

Trying to use my voice when it all seems so pointless and scary. This was originally posted on my Substack with an audio voice over: It has been months since I’ve written anything of any depth or duration. Months of...

Lost At Sea Substack Post Substack
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Life in the slow lane

The past two weeks were difficult. It was like being in a fog - one friend described it as feeling really 'flat' and that is a perfect description. Over the years of being self employed, I've gone through various states of motivation, de-motivation and everything...

Life in the slow lane coping self employed through corona virus
In The MediaResources

Love / Hate

What is the opposite of love? My first instinct, like most people's, was hate. This question was asked while I read A Course In Miracles (I've not gotten very far - it might take me years to finish!). The answer it gives is that the opposite of Love is Fear. Every...

Love Hate Substack Featured Image

Overshare Shame Spiral

That weird place between inappropriate digital overshare and no response This was originally posted on my Substack: Oversharing is something I have had a tug of war with all of my life - on the one hand I am...

Overshare Shame Spiral on Substack

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