


Fingerprint Work

What if encouraging people to follow their intuition around work was the key to higher levels of productivity, fulfilment, creativity and connection. Of course it is. Sustainability is the key to creating a liveable future regardless of whether you are a plant or a person.

Fingerprint Work

Lost At Sea

Trying to use my voice when it all seems so pointless and scary. This was originally posted on my Substack with an audio voice over: It has been months since I’ve written anything of any depth or duration. Months of...

Lost At Sea Substack Post Substack

Overshare Shame Spiral

That weird place between inappropriate digital overshare and no response This was originally posted on my Substack: Oversharing is something I have had a tug of war with all of my life - on the one hand I am...

Overshare Shame Spiral on Substack

The work battle is not the same for everyone

Sometimes we forget that the world of work has been created by a very small percentage of predominantly privileged white men. When we read the stories of how they succeeded and internalise how their drive, morning routines, long hours and consistency got them to...

The work battle is not the same for everyone Substack

Making facts and experience great again

I watched the movie Idiocracy years ago on the recommendation of a friend.  It is a silly 20's comedy starring Luke Wilson and Rosie Perez.  The premise is that the entire population has become less and less intelligent over time.  The idiotic problems this causes...

Making facts and experience great again Substack

Letting curiosity play to discover passion

The current obsession seems to be with putting ourselves into niches.  Nice little buckets to contain us so others can easily understand us before the 5-second rule expires and they flit to the next article, image or video.  The advice tends to run along the...

Letting curiosity play to discover passion

Breaking things just for the sake of it

This morning my daughter bounded up from her cot proud as punch with the cover of her favourite childhood book in her hands.  Just the cover. "Look Mommy," she said with a big smile of satisfaction and complete and utter innocence while my heart dropped. She loves...

Breaking things just for the sake of it Substack

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