About Me

Designer, strategist and quiet chaos merchant on an infinite quest to promote sustainable and aligned self-employment.

I believe in the unique and infinite potential of every single mind on this planet and the importance of self-determination for true creative freedom.  I love to help my clients to discover and illuminate their path to sustainable and aligned self-employment to create true personal freedom.

Having worked as a freelance web designer for 20 years a web designer, I have been involved with every side of building a business from idea, design, development, startup funding, business-modeling to sales.  However, as I became more successful, I found myself becoming repeatedly burnt out from the hustle side of running a small agency, constantly moving from contract to contract and struggling to find the time to provide the quality of service I had previously. 

The one area that I loved and provided the biggest impact in was when I had the time to act as an ‘outsourced business partner’ for aligned clients. I took the decision to close down my custom design business (poppyvine.com) and move fully into this more aligned and supportive role for my clients.

When I’m not working, daydreaming or taking care of my two monkeys under 4 – I am painting.  Aimless, delicious, self-indulgent, purposeless painting.


Orla Fitz Outsourced Business Partner

What I Do

If you would like to discover what I do have check out my Work With Me page.  Alternatively, book in for a free 30-minute chemistry session to have an informal chat about your idea or business to see if we would work well together.

Projects &

Self Employment Coaching

To ensure that I could provide the right blend of technical hands-on support with accredited and future-oriented executive coaching for self-employed clients I am currently completing ICF accredited coaching with Ailbhe Harrington of Aspire Coach Training.  

BBS & Business Innovation Management

I have a BBS in Economics & Finance from The University of Limerick and a Postgrad in Business Innovation Management from DCU Ryan Academy.  I love prototyping ideas, exploring sustainable business models and making complex concepts accessible for all.

Thriving Divergent & ADHD

I was diagnosed with inattentive ADHD as an adult and that path has been a humbling and illuminating journey for me.  This knowledge prompted me to realign my work with my innate strengths of empathy, hyperfocus and creativity.  I trained with ADDCA on their Simply ADHD and Personal Transformation courses to get a deeper understanding of the condition and partnered with Psychotherapist Jane Hehir to bring transformational CBT-based training for adults with ADHD through Thriving Divergent.

Poppyvine Web Design

For over 20 years I provided design and website services through poppyine.com.  I worked with businesses both large and small to create beautiful and professional online presences and managed the hosting, maintenance and technical support for over 100 clients at a time.  Having discovered where I feel most aligned and do my best work – I made the hard decision to move away from contract design to supportive co-creation with my clients here at OrlaFitz.com.

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Thoughts on Sustainable Self Employment and building communities for change.